Lost and Found | Visual Resources for Both Lectionaries on September 3, 2023

Visual Resources for the Lectionaries
This post offers visual resources for the Revised Common Lectionary and the Narrative Lectionary for September 3, 2023. The RCL enters the story of Moses and the burning bush in Exodus 3:1-15. The Gospel is Matthew 16:21-28 where Jesus tells his disciples to take up their own crosses. The NL concludes a three week series on Sabbath by looking at the rest found in forgiveness and reconciliation in Deuteronomy 15:1-2. It pairs this with Luke 15:11-32 and the parable of the Prodigal Son.
Revised Common Lectionary
Here are quick links to all the texts for this week:
September 3
Exodus 3:1-15 and Psalm 105:1-6, 23-26, 45b
Jeremiah 15:15-21 and Psalm 26:1-8
Romans 12:9-21
Matthew 16:21-28
Exodus 3:1-15

The images in the PowerPoint below are designed to help you frame the story of Moses leading up to the burning bush. CLICK HERE to preview the images that might work for this text.
[slideshare id=250331150&doc=acartoonistsguidetoexodus31-15-210929120549&w=800]
The RCL Gospel Reading is Matthew 16:21-28. Jesus predicts his death and tells the disciples they must take up their crosses to follow him.
This image comes from page 12 in A Cartoonist’s Guide to Matthew.

Preview PowerPoint
Feel free to use any or all of these slides and images in your own preaching and teaching.
[slideshare id=255820194&doc=matthew1613-1727-230212130637-28eab371&w=800&h=600]
Narrative Lectionary
The NL ends the summer with a series on Sabbath. The text this week is Deuteronomy 15:1-2.

What is the Purpose of Sabbath?
CLICK HERE to read my visual meditation on Sabbath…
The NL Gospel Reading is Luke 15:11-32. The Parable of the Prodigal Son.
This image comes from page 18 in A Cartoonist’s Guide to Luke.

Below you will find two slide shows with very different sets of images for the story of the Prodigal Son. The first comes from A Cartoonist’s Guide to Luke. The second comes from a sermon I gave back in 2019.
[slideshare id=242708598&doc=acartoonistsguidetoluke151-1710-210214162253&w=800]
[slideshare id=152630389&doc=acartoonistsguidetoluke15-190629131912&w=800]

Join me every Monday at 4:00pm Central Time for a live Bible study on Zoom.
These sessions include:
- a presentation of the visual resources for the lectionary texts for the week,
- live discussion around the texts,
- previews and behind-the-scenes peeks at what is happening at A Cartoonist’s Guide to the Bible
The video of the session remains available on the network to view at any time, in case you can’t make it for the live session.
This is a part of the Cartoonist’s Bible Network. I’d love to have you join us.

Join me this Thursday at 2:00pm CST for a livestream art session on YouTube. I’m drawing through the book of Acts in real time.
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If you would like to wake up every Monday morning to the visual resources for the RCL and the Narrative lectionary waiting for you in your inbox, then fill out the form below. This email list will be used for only two reasons:
- to deliver weekly visual resources, and
- the occasional announcement of a new resource from A Cartoonist’s Guide to the Bible.