This post offers visual resources for lectionary texts on September 25, 2022. The Revised Common Lectionary is Luke 16, The Rich Man and Lazarus. The Narrative Lectionary is in Genesis 39, the Story of Joseph (jump there now).Revised Common Lectionary | Luke 16:13-31...
The Shrewd Manager (Luke 16:1-13) and God’s Promise to Abraham (Genesis 12:1-9)
This weekend the Revised Common Lectionary calls for Luke 16:1-13, The Parable of the Shrewd Manager, and the Narrative Lectionary calls for Genesis 12:1-9, God's Promise to Abram. Here are quick links to resources for these passages.Join me every Monday at 4:00pm...
Three Weeks in Genesis
The Narrative Lectionary will spend three weeks in Genesis in the month of September. Check out A Cartoonist's Guide to Genesis to find helpful visuals to supplement your teaching and preaching. Here's the tricky part. They begin with the story of the Flood. You might...
John, the Graphic Novel in Print
If you prefer the feel of a real book in your hand, and enjoy flipping through the pages of a full-color graphic novel, then you want to check this out. The Graphic Novel is now available in your favorite online bookseller.
Ending the Summer in the Story of Ruth
The Narrative Lectionary wraps up the summer of preaching by leading us through the beautiful story of Ruth. CLICK HERE to explore A Cartoonist's Guide to Ruth. Preview and download the PowerPoint and Image Pack below. Enjoy![slideshare...
An Introduction to 1 Peter | Faithfulness in the Shadow of Oppression
The Narrative Lectionary launches a five-week preaching series on 1 Peter this week. This letter is a treatise on how to be a faithful disciple of Jesus in the shadow of oppression. A Cartoonist's Guide to 1 Peter is a printable PDF, but it is an incomplete document....
The Ten Commandments | God’s Words of Law and Promise
The Narrative Lectionary is working through the Ten Commandments this summer. In this post I share the visual resources I’ve created to explore God’s Words of Law and Promise. This section comes from the larger Resource A Cartoonist’s Guide to Luther’s Small...
A Cartoonist’s Guide to the Trinity
This Sunday is Holy Trinity Sunday. I love thinking and teaching about the Trinity. It was the core theological framework of my PhD dissertation. If you would like to get an introduction to the Trinity, I invite you to CLICK HERE to view my guide to the Trinity at my...
Are You Ready for Pentecost?
Are You Ready for Pentecost?Pentecost is a Jewish holiday that happens 50 days after Passover. Something amazing happened when the disciples of Jesus gathered in Jerusalem on the first Pentecost after Jesus’ resurrection and ascension. The Holy Spirit came upon them...