Acts 10-12
Throughout history there have been events that have marked the beginning of a new era; the invention of the printing press, the first telegraph message, the first man on the moon. After these events, the world was never the same and people’s minds were opened to whole new vistas of possibilities. In this section we come across just such an event.
Up to this point in the story the good news of Jesus has been spread to Judea and Samaria, within the confines of the covenant God made with Abraham. (A case could be made that the Ethiopian was actually a Jewish convert). In other words, the Kingdom of God was simply being restored to its original design. We saw how much this stretched Peter in the last section and how God had allowed him a respite of peace. Now Peter is about to face his greatest challenge. He is about to step across the great chasm of racism and learn that God loves Gentiles and desires for all people to be included in God’s Kingdom.
In the second half of this section we see the beginning of great changes in the church. In preparation for the launch of the “ends of the earth” campaign, we begin to see a shifting of focus away from Jerusalem as the center of the church and notice that God has a special place for the multicultural melting pot called Antioch. As Herod, the false king of the Jews, falls under his own pride, the true King of the Jews, Jesus, is positioning his forces to conquer the world with grace, peace, and most of all love for all people.
Acts 2023 Project
During the summer of 2023 I am illustrating the book of Acts as a graphic novel. Return often to view the updated pages below. I will post the thumbnails and then replace them with the finished pages as they emerge. Enjoy!